Welcome to SK Photography! Hope you enjoy and admire the photos I take as much as I do!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Thank you for visiting my blog! I am new to blogging so we will see how I keep up.

I have recently started to do photography and I absolutely love it! I want to always take pictures and work on them!! I think I finally found what I love to do.

As of now, I am taking pictures of my daughter, friends and nature. I want to get as much practice as I can before I start the real thing and making some money. I hope this works for me because I really enjoy this.

Keep up with  my blog since I will be posting new pictures and stories about those pictures!! Like they say, every pictures has a million words...in this case, every picture has a little story that comes with it. I try to take my pictures with meaning to them.

Again thanks and I hope you enjoy!!!
Sarah - SK Photography

Here are some pictures I have taken until now. I hope you love them!

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