So Yom kippur is tonight. I hope I will be able to manage the fast!!
I wont be posting any pictures today, but hopefully on Sunday I will get some of my new niece! My older sister had a baby this morning!!! Her name is Sophia Adela. I was waiting and waiting because she told me she was in labor 11:30 last night, so I could think about when I went to bed was "did she have the baby yet?!" But yup, Im a Auntie to my first blood relative niece!!!
And on Monday, I should be having a photoshoot of my friend Tzvia. Thank Gd she agreed because she hates taking pictures since she thinks she looks bad, but she is Gorgeous and doesnt want to admit to it. You all will be the judges.
Thanks and have an easy fast to those who will be fasting this Yom Kippur!
Sarah - SK Photography
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